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life of a tripod

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog

sorry, I have been MIA

Posted in Uncategorized on September 22, 2011 by kattwoman

I am VP of a rescue group and the pres is on vacation… she will be back soon.

Tyr as a hard life:



Spending time with Megan and Rosie the dobe:


How can you write a blog when you are looking at this?


Hope to be back soon

Busy day

Posted in Uncategorized on September 16, 2011 by kattwoman

Today I had to take the stitches out, we also went into the Vet for a check up. So today it is short and sweet.


Here he is after the stitches came out.



Am I crazy?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on September 14, 2011 by kattwoman

Tyr met most of my large family. he was the best. of course everyone loves him and think I am nuts for adding yet one more to my crew. If you knew my group, you would understand why I needed a young blood in the group.

See first there is Magni, he is a pit/american bulldog  mix




He is 12 yrs old









Then there is Bubba Joe, an english mastiff who is almost 11 yrs old



Then there is Rosie, and albino Doberman Pincher

She is 10 yrs old













Then there is Elmo, a red Doberman Pincher

He is  almost 3 yrs old









And then there is Lola, She is a yorkie, poodle, maybe havaneese mix.She too is almost 3.

Then of course we now have Tyr

13 weeks old.












so it “seems” nuts but wait lets go back to the begining…

1, Magni has  Laryngeal Paralysis…which we know can cause problems with pneumonia. so with his advanced age… who knows how long we have with him.

2. Bubba Joe, his IS 11, with average life expectancy of a english Mastiff being 6-9 yrs old… we are beating the odds.

3. Rosie , and abino doberman is considered the most unhealthy of all the colors. 10 yrs is GREAT! Most do not live beyond 7-8.

4. Elmo, while he is only 3 yrs old, he has Wobblers.  Wobbler disease is a condition of the cervical vertebrae that causes an unsteady (wobbly) gait and weakness in dogs and horses.  the condition is not curable and eventually they succumb to the disorder. Recently we have noticed it increasing, much to my sadness.

that leaves us with just healthy Lola and now Tyr.

He will be a nice distraction for what may come hopefully we will have many more days and nights with all the above but if and when that does come. I will hold Tyr and he will help us.

So… I maybe crazy but in the best way for me and my family!

Starting blog.

Posted in Before on September 13, 2011 by kattwoman

This is all new to me.


I have been in rescue for well over 15 yrs with my girlfriend Pam. She was the one to tell me Tyr should be my next dog. She knew i was looking and said he simply was the best!. well gotta go, cleaning the floors of the house. be back later…

Here are some shots of  Tyr before he came to me

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